Socrates is credited with saying, “the unexamined life is not worth living”. Rene Descartes was quoted as saying, “I think therefore, I am”. That is, the ability to think critically sets us apart from the other animals.

We know that we know. In other words, ignorance is not bliss. And, just knowing that there is something better out there for you is already knowing too much. The question then becomes, “what is it that’s preventing me from being happy”?

We all seek connection. It’s actually hard-wired into our biology. There is no escaping it. We were simply made that way. “Neuroscience is confirming that our nervous systems want us to connect with other human beings,” says Amy Banks, M.D., director of Advanced Training at the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute.

The degree to which we feel connected depends on our ability to be authentically oneself, honestly expressive, and then to share that experience and knowing with another person who is willing and able to do the same. In other words, to experience intimacy is to find happiness. Read my next blog to learn more about true intimacy, and read about my Intimacy Wellness Center and how to develop some of your own happiness.